Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jan 17-18th

Mon, Jan 17th- nothing exciting except for making rounds in the am. The group has swelled to over 20 since the Kenyan med students have recently joined us. Rounds are difficult in this setting. The interns speak very softly and with so many people and the wards being chaotic and the heat by mid-day (let's not get into the aromas), after 3hrs I am ready for a break.

Tues, Jan 18th- I had a meeting with the Chief of OB-GYN as well as some other docs regarding DM in pregnancy (my special interest at home). Currently no pregnant woman is screened for DM;this is done routinely in the States. In addition, there is no one here who is really well versed in the care of a diabetic who gets pregnant. So once again it is exciting that I came here at a time when these initiatives are just getting off the ground.

In the long term, it looks like I can help with patient care protocols and we will hopefully be having monthly conference calls. There are a lot of challenges; most women present for their FIRST prenatal visit at about 32 weeks and 80% deliver at home. I offered to make house calls by giraffe if they give me a cell phone and a blood glucose monitor.

The weather here remains picture perfect and the running is finally getting easier as my body gets used to the altitude. Tomorrow our whole group goes out to supper for Chinese food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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