Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jan 12- Kitale

Drove with the diabetes team to Kitale, about 1.5 hrs north of Eldoret. Actually it would take about 45 minutes but the road in parts were filled with potholes and we were driving off the road just to avoid driving on the road!
Kitale hospital is a district hospital ( a step "down" from Moi and similar to Webuye Hospital (see prior post). The DM program was recently started and is booming. Only 1 patient was using glucose testing despite many being on insulin. The one using a monitor is a 7 months pregnant DM2 on insulin 70/30 twice daily. She is only able to check one blood sugar a WEEK. Our pregnant pts at home check 6-8 x daily. It is quite hard to make any sensible changes. She agreed to check 1 fasting this friday and 1 pre-supper next Monday and we will call her by phone.
Another woman had high blood sugars and was diagnosed with malaria during her visit. A young 20 year old boy was just released from a 5 day hospital stay for new onset DM1 (total bill=$30). His blood sugar was over 400. When we asked him how he was injecting insulin he was completely off base and was trying to inject like we give PPDs. Like many others, he is discharged without adequate teaching. He also could not afford a glucose meter. He was one of several pts who needed large amounts of oral hydration solution because of high sugars and dehydration.

After a long day, we all went out to a Sikh restaurant for supper.

Some of you have asked about a way to donate money to a worthy charity here.  The Tumaini Center was started by a group including Sonak, a Purdue faculty member who is working here full time. This center is open 4 days a week and gives homeless/street children a free meal and place to stay during the day. Some are not actually homeless, but the parents cannot afford to send them to school and make them go and beg for money. The money you give goes directly to an account which Sonak controls- no admit or other fees are taken from the donations. Knowing Sonak these few weeks, I would be assured that the money will be put directly to good use. Below are the instructions he sent me:

For tumaini center click on the following link and follow the subsequent instructions.

In the first drop down box (Designation Area), highlight “College of Pharmacy”  (You will have to scroll down to find it).

In the second drop down box (Select a Fund), highlight “Kenya Initiative”

Then go to  “Enter an amount” and insert the dollar amount of the gift you want to make.

Sonak Pastakia, PharmD, MPH, BCPS
Assistant Professor, Purdue University College of Pharmacy
+254 72 902 7569

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