Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jan 9, Lake Naivasha; another day another hippo

After a good night's sleep, we woke up to the sounds of chickens and multiple other unknown animal sounds at about 4 am. Breakfast a 7 am and then off to the lake! We saw many hippos; there are over 1 million around the lake (according to the guide). They were lying around and apparently come up on the land at night to feed on vegetation. They are very aggressive if you get to close. We saw an eagle and the guide threw a piece of fish in the water and started whistling; the eagle swooped down from high up and caught it. I think the eagle get's a piece of the tour guide's action.

We then pulled up on shore and walked through a field. We saw giraffes, waterbucks, impalas  and zebras very close up. It was really amazing to be so close!

We started the long drive home and stopped for a photo-op at the equator. It was very hot stepping on the equator line, but "hakuna matata"   "no worries..."

Back to the wards in the am.

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